"Miraculous Transmutation". Archival Artist Print on Paper
In order to explain the unknown phenomenon of the migration of the birds in ancient times, Aristotle declared that Redstarts transform themselves into Robins in the winter and back again to Redstarts in the spring—claiming a “miraculous transmutation” occurs. This theory was accepted as fact for hundreds of years!
In order to explain the unknown phenomenon of the migration of the birds in ancient times, Aristotle declared that Redstarts transform themselves into Robins in the winter and back again to Redstarts in the spring—claiming a “miraculous transmutation” occurs. This theory was accepted as fact for hundreds of years!
In order to explain the unknown phenomenon of the migration of the birds in ancient times, Aristotle declared that Redstarts transform themselves into Robins in the winter and back again to Redstarts in the spring—claiming a “miraculous transmutation” occurs. This theory was accepted as fact for hundreds of years!